E Commerce Systems Architecture & Applications

W. Rajput
E Commerce Systems Architecture & Applications
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Identify all the major building blocks of an e-commerce system and understand how these building blocks interact to form an effective e-commerce system with E-Commerce Systems: Architecture, Design, and Implementation . This new book presents you with the key tools and technologies in use today, and the complete understanding you need to build an e-commerce architecture for the various types of commercial transactions -- business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and intra-business. Plus, it conveys the dramatic impact e-commerce has on an enterprise?s IT strategy.You get a close examination of the primary elements of the e-commerce systems architecture, including information appliances, computing networks, e-commerce services and their applications, and electronic payment systems, to help you plan, build, and maintain a vigorous e-commerce site of your own. Going beyond e-commerce via the Internet and World Wide Web, you also learn how online commercial transactions can and will take place utilizing cellular and pager networks.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-1-58053-085-9, 9781580530859
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Artech House

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