Directing & Play

Michael MacCaffery
Directing & Play
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Throughout any theatrical production the director is pivotal to the success of the operation. He or she is entrusted with the responsibility of making decisions that affect the artistic and often financial welfare of the entire production. Covering all the stages of theatrical production, from initial preparation to final performance, this book explains how to identify elements of a play that will make for a success, and how to choose and guide collaborators towards putting this into practice.This highly successful series has been revised and reprinted in new, exciting covers. The five titles work together to provide all you need to know about how to present a production. Each expertly written book contains many creative ideas as well as essential information.
Data wydania: 1993
ISBN: 978-0-7148-2513-7, 9780714825137
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Phaidon Press Ltd

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