Devil's Workshop

Piedmont Palladino
Devil's Workshop
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Jersey Devil is a name attached to work by Steve Badanes, John Ringel, Jim Adamson and others who have participated in their diverse projects. For 25 years the architects have been living on site making adjustments to their structures. This group of designer-builders has created projects which challenge conventional practice, both the process of making architecture and the accepted definitions of architecture itself. The Jersey Devil architecture shows a concern for craft and detail, an attention to the expressiveness of the construction materials, and a strong environmental consciousness. This book contains complete descriptions of more than a dozen projects, including the Snail House, the Silo House, the Hoagie House and the Seaside Pavilion. It includes photographs, drawings and plans of each project. In the book, essays analyze Jersey Devil's work, providing an insight into the design-build process and its historical context, and discussing the formal qualities inherent in these projects.
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-1-56898-113-0, 9781568981130
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Princeton Architectural Press

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