Designing Network Security

M. Kaeo
Designing Network Security
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Master the design of secure networks with the updated edition of this best-selling security guideGain a comprehensive view of network security issues and concepts, then master specific implementations based on your network needsLearn how to use new and legacy Cisco Systems equipment to secure your networksUnderstand how to design and build security services while also learning the legal and network accessibility impact of those servicesDesigning Network Security, Second Edition is a practical guide designed to help you understand the fundamentals of securing your corporate network infrastructure. In addition it provides a complete description of Cisco security products and useful implementation examples.You will gain a thorough understanding of basic cryptography and the most widely deployed security technologies. You will be able to guide the architecture and implementation of a security policy for a corporate environment by knowing possible threats and vulnerabilities, and understanding the steps required to perform a risk management assessment.Examine underlying security technologies, the process of creating a security policy, the practical requirements necessary to implement a corporate security policy, the latest security technology enhancements, and recent legal issues. This book also allows you to view many of the new Cisco security products including Altiga, and the NetRanger intrusion detection system.Through the use of specific configuration examples, you will learn to specify the features required in network infrastructure equipment to implement the given security policy, including securing the internal corporate infrastructure, Internet access, and the remote access environment. In addition, practical scenarios dealing specifically with certain types of networks such as voice, storage, VPN, will translate theory into real-world situations.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-58705-117-3, 9781587051173
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cisco Press

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