Designer's Apprentice

R. Ralston
Designer's Apprentice
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Adobe Creative Suite 3 has fantastic tools for minimizing the drudgery ofgraphics production work: The key is to make your computer and Photoshop,Illustrator, and InDesign do rote tasks for you. And although the concept ofautomation may sound intimidating, it doesn't have to be. Learn whatautomation is, why it's as natural as breathing, and how it can take overroutine work, freeing you up to be creative.· Combine customer data with graphics for personalized communications· Customize hundreds or even thousands of illustrations or layouts inone pass· Record tasks with macro-like Actions in Photoshop and Illustrator,then reuse them with multiple files· Learn how scripting languages like AppleScript and JavaScript canautomate complex workflows, even ones with varying conditions
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-321-49570-9, 9780321495709
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Adobe Press

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