Dealing With Global Terrorism the Way Forward

M. Vinod Saighal
Dealing With Global Terrorism the Way Forward
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Highlighting the changing nature of conflict, this book examines the menace of global terrorism in terms of how nations have responded to the growing threat. Questions considered include how a small group of terrorists can force disproportionately large deployments and how nations hover between retaliatory insufficiency and retaliatory overkill. The argument is presented that the terrorist attacks on 9/11 may have been premature acts that were intended to take place after 2004 and the planned pan-Islamic consolidation in central Asia, a consolidation that would have curtailed the retaliatory possibilities of the United States. This landmark study offers a fresh perspective on how global terrorism will impact the world community and innovative suggestions for redefining terrorism in a framework that will be more successful in mobilizing the international community.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-932705-00-3, 9781932705003
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: New Dawn Press

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