Cybercrime & Society

M. Yar
Cybercrime & Society
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"Cybercrime and Society" provides a clear, systematic, critical introduction to current debates about cybercrime. It locates the phenomenon in the wider contexts of social, political, cultural and economic change. This is the first book to draw upon perspectives spanning criminology, sociology, law, politics and cultural studies to examine the whole range of cybercrime issues, including: computer hacking; cyber-terrorism; media 'piracy'; financial fraud and identity theft; online stalking; hate speech; pornography'; and surveillance. "Cybercrime and Society" takes an international perspective, drawing on research, case studies and examples from the UK, the US, Europe and beyond. It includes chapter outlines and summaries, further reading and a glossary.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-4129-0754-5, 9781412907545
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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