Cultural Psychiatry Euro-International Perspectives

Cultural Psychiatry Euro-International Perspectives
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Cultural psychiatry has been the portal through which advances in the social sciences have found their way into medical practice and health policy. Diverse issues and activities in research and practice of cultural and transcultural psychiatry are collected in this timely volume. The contributions can be summarized in three main topics: interdisciplinary settings for practice and research; migration, trauma and the context of migrant mental health, and cultural lessons for treatment. This book provides essential reading for health professionals and social scientists who would like to understand how culture influences mental health as well as the treatment and prevention of mental illness. It will be of special interest to medical anthropologists concerned with the relationship between culture theory and psychiatry, mental health care providers and policy makers in an international environment.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-3-8055-7048-0, 9783805570480
Wydawnictwo: Karger

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