Cultural Anthropology 10e

S. Nanda
Cultural Anthropology 10e
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Renowned for its integration of rich ethnographies into the core book, CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, International Edition provides excellent coverage of cultures around the world. The text also emphasizes critical thinking and contemporary issues, including culture change and globalization, with a new chapter on "Power, Conquest, and the World System". In addition, a new end-of-chapter feature entitled "The Global and The Local" presents students with case studies on cultural responses to globalization, asking them to critically evaluate the issue. Issues of power, gender, stratification, and ethnicity continue to be highlighted in this edition, supported by features and pedagogy designed to get students thinking about the world in which they live. * "Anthropology Makes a Difference" features emphasize applied anthropology in every chapter, capturing a key message of the text that the study of anthropology is important and the methods learned can and do make us better world citizens. These boxes explore the future of anthropology as a discipline, show its usefulness in addressing real world issues today, and encourage students to consider a degree in anthropology by citing examples from the field. Each box illustrates examples of applied anthropology in areas such as medicine, forensics, development, and advocacy -- and in turn asserts the importance of anthropology in the real world. * Ethnographic examples are used extensively within the body of the text. New ethnographies examine such peoples and topics as: fieldwork in dangerous places (Chapter 3); the use of cell phones in Jamaica (Chapter 5); climate change (Chapter 6); the Minangkabau of Sumatra, with emphasis on matrilineality as a significant form of contemporary kinship structure (Chapter 8); West African merchants in New York City (Chapter 7); the Na of China, a society that raises interesting questions about whether marriage can truly be considered a human universal (Chapter 9); the connection between health, pollution and racial stratification (Chapter 12); and the conditions of child labor in Olinda, Brazil (Chapter 16). * Helpful features for study and review include: a running glossary at the bottom of each page, which defines terms as they are introduced; new chapter summaries, organized as a series of questions and responses designed to help students engage with the material and promote critical-thinking skills; and an appendix on major anthropological theories. * Chapter-opening "Thinking Points" pique students'' interest by presenting short, pithy points about an ethnographic situation or current event that is a key point of the chapter and is further discussed in the chapter.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-495-81369-9, 9780495813699
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cengage Learning

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