CT & MR Angiography of the Peripheral Circulation

Debabrata Mukherjee, Sanjay Rajagopalan
CT & MR Angiography of the Peripheral Circulation
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Multislice CT has significantly increased the applications of clinical CT imaging but its beneficial impact has been most evident in vascular angiographic imaging. The excellent team of editors and contributors discuss the basic aspects of multislice CT angiography with chapters on technical principles, basic scan technique for peripheral vascular imaging with multislice CT, image reconstruction with multislice CT, radiation doses and contrast agent administration. Clinical applications for each major vascular territory are then discussed in depth, with clear descriptions of the examination technique for assessing the peripheral vasculature including the aorta to detect various vascular pathologies. A large number of high-quality illustrations help to explain the clinical findings making this text particularly attractive to the practicing clinician. The section on MR angiography provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of magnetic resonance (MR) vascular imaging. The basic principles and technical features of MR angiography are outlined, with chapters on fundamentals of MR angiography and commonly used pulse sequences and contrast dosing. Specific chapters focus on each particular vascular territory including the extracranial and intracranial circulation, the pulmonary circulation, the thoracic and the abdominal aorta, the renal, and mesenteric circulation and both the lower and the upper extremity circulation. Easy to follow clinical protocols for angiographic imaging for the different vascular regions are provided. The text also addresses imaging of the venous circulation using MR and CT angiography
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84184-606-4, 9781841846064
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Taylor & Francis

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