Crossing Language & Ethnic Among Adolescents

Ben Rampton
Crossing Language & Ethnic Among Adolescents
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Crossing Language and Ethnicity Among Adolescents is a study of sociolinguistic processes in multiracial urban youth culture, and it focuses on language 'crossing':- the use of panjabi by adolescents of Afro-Caribbean and Anglo descent- the use of Creole by adolescents of Panjabi and Anglo descent- the use of stylised Indian EnglishThe book carefully distinguishes between crossing in different varieties, it explains the general characteristics of crossing and it addresses the central question: how far and in what ways do intricate processes of language sharing and exchange help to overcome race stratification and contribute to a new sense of mixed youth, class and neighbourhood community?presents detailed ethnographic and interactional analyses of spontanious speech data intergrates the discussion of particular incidents with theories of discourse, code switching, social movements, resistance and ritual drawn from sociolinguistics, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies vivid descriptions of adolescent life in youth clubs and school playgrounds provide important insight into the ways that young people manage to 'live with difference' full consideration is given to crossing's critical implications for education policy "Ben Rampton has produced a very important inspiring model for many other researchers." Journal of Sociolinguistics "The importance of this book for sociolinguistic research cannot be overestimated." Language and Education
Data wydania: 1995
ISBN: 978-0-582-21791-1, 9780582217911
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Longman Group

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