Cross-Border Partnerships in Higher Education

R. Sakamoto
Cross-Border Partnerships in Higher Education
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Cross-border Partnerships in Higher Education looks beyond student and faculty exchanges to examine the myriad ways international colleges and universities work together as institutions. These partnerships have involved the creation of branch campuses, joint research and technology initiatives, collaboration in strengthening institutional management, testing, faculty development efforts, collaboration in quality assurance, and sharing of technology. Cross-national collaborations are a growing financial and informational resource for universities, and non-Western schools are increasingly taking part.
The volume provides an overview of the purposes and types of cross-border collaborations, an analysis of the benefits, and an examination of issues arising from these efforts. A cross-cutting goal is to provide a critical look at the models being employed, the challenges encountered, and the unintended consequences of such collaboration, both positive and negative. The book is intended for scholars and students of international higher education, higher education leaders and practitioners who are charting a course toward greater cross-border collaboration, and leaders in international development assistance organizations that are often asked to support such initiatives.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-415-87648-3, 9780415876483
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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