Creativity @ Work

S. Ramachander
Creativity @ Work
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"Creativity @ Work" discusses the concept of creativity and innovation in management. S. Ramachander suggests that insight rather than data is the key ingredient of developing a different vision of where the business (or category, product, model or brand) can go. Encouraging the manager to look beyond conventional wisdom, this book is, fundamentally, all about unlearning concepts. Ramachander uses innovative scenario building to explain alternative approaches and change to managers. Meant for practical use, "Creativity @ Work" is structured like a workbook and contains numerous worksheets and tables, in addition to experiences and experiments from real life, to illustrate: what creativity is all about; how to ensure and nourish the development of creativity; and how to apply the notions of managing creatively.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7619-3494-3, 9780761934943
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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