Cracking the MRCS Viva

Au Yong
Cracking the MRCS Viva
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Cracking the MRCS Viva is an outstanding guide to the MRCS Viva examination. Its unique approach recreates the structure and content of each individual viva, allowing the reader to self-test, or two students to recreate mock viva sessions for themselves.Divided into six sections to mirror the exam - applied surgical anatomy, operative surgery, applied surgical pathology, principles of surgery, applied surgical physiology, and critical care -- each section covers a range of topics, listed alphabetically, and contains all the information required to pass the exam using concise, bullet-point text, helpful tables and easy to reproduce diagrams.Written by registrars who have all recently passed the MRCS, plus an MRCS examiner, this comprehensive and user-friendly revision guide also contains considerable input from other senior specialists.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-340-90646-0, 9780340906460
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Esch

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