Cost Accounting

C. Raiborn
Cost Accounting
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For Junior/Senior and MBA level courses in cost/management accounting. Horngren's Cost Accounting defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory. For Junior/Senior and MBA level courses in cost/management accounting. Horngren's Cost Accounting defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory. Q: How do you introduce the most up- to- date thinking and newest professional issues to your students? A. Cost Accounting 12e incorporates the latest research and most up to date thinking into all relevant chapters. Professional issues related to Management Accounting and Management Accountants are emphasized in 12e. Latest Thinking/Up to Date Research: Activity Based Management, Balanced Scorecard, Levers of Control. Values and Behaviors: New boxes explore the behavioral aspects of management accountants' job/role in a company and the ethical challenges they face. Q: How do you demonstrate key/difficult topics in class? How do students practice/apply the concepts they learn? A. Cost Accounting 12e introduces Excel Labs for Professors and for Students (HELPS) and Prentice Hall Grade Assist(PHGA). HELPS for Professors: Key Tables and Exhibits from the text are reproduced online in Excel. Professors can use these Excel Labs in class to demonstrate key and/or difficult topics. HELPS can be found on IRC and inside OneKey.HELPS for Students: Selected end of chapter material allows students to complete problems and exercises using Excel. Excel templates for these problems are available on-line. The focus is on having students utilize Excel application to understand and apply chapter content. Prentice Hall Grade Assist (PHGA): This online practice environment enables students to master chapter material. Selected problems (marked with an icon) are available in PHGA. The problems: (a) are algorithmic, giving students a chance to practice until they have mastery, (b) provide immediate feedback, giving students a chance to see how well they are doing right away, (c) mirror those in the book, giving students a chance to practice before doing "the real thing". PHGA is available inside all OneKey courses. OTHER KEY POINTS OF DIFFERENTIATION: Q: How do your students tackle the more difficult chapter topics? A: In chapter Margin Notes provide students with helpful hints and clarification for understanding the material and additional examples of key concepts. Q: How do your students review in chapter material before moving on to problem material? A: Decision Points use question and answer format to summarize the chapter's learning objectives. Questions relate to learning objectives and answer is a guideline for the decision. Q: How do your students apply and practice what they have learned in the chapter?A. Robust end of chapter problems and exercises. Abundant problems and exercises have been vetted to ensure correlation with chapter material. Selected problems (marked with an icon) are available in PHGA format. See above.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-13-149538-8, 9780131495388
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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