Corporate Accountability and Sustainable Development

P. Utting
Corporate Accountability and Sustainable Development
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The social and environmental performances of big enterprises are increasingly coming under regulatory regimes that aim to reassert social control over them to improve their social obligations. In practice, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has its limitations for long term sustainability. Thus, the corporate accountability movement has proposed a variety of regulatory movements that include obligations as opposed to responsibility. This volume provides insights into these dimensions of the interface between corporate players and questions of sustainability. The volume will be useful to teachers and graduate and post-graduate students of environmental sciences and management, environment activists, NGOs, multilateral organizations, funding organizations, policymakers, and trans-nationals especially of the developing world, as well as general readers.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-19-569734-6, 9780195697346
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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