Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, not Static

Abdul Aziz Said, Mohammed Abu-nimer, Meena Sharify-funk
Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, not Static
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Contemporary Islam provides a counterweight to the prevailing opinions of Islamic thought as conservative and static with a preference for violence over dialogue. It gathers together a collection of eminent scholars from around the world who tackle issues such as intellectual pluralism, gender, the ethics of political participation, human rights, non-violence and religious harmony. This is a highly topical and important study which gives a progressive outlook for Islam's role in modern politics and society.
Data wydania: 2006-08-20
ISBN: 978-0-415-77012-5, 9780415770125
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge
Kategoria: Religia i Teologia
Stron: 288


Abdul Aziz Said Abdul Aziz Said is the senior ranking Professor of International Relations and also occupies the Mohammed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace at American University (Washington, DC). Some of Said’s books include: Concepts of International Politics in ...

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