Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010

P. Bust
Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010
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The broad and developing scope of ergonomics - the application of scientific knowledge to improve peoples' interaction with products, systems, and environments - has been illustrated for 25 years by the books in the Contemporary Ergonomics series. Reflecting the name change of the Ergonomics Society to the Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, the peer-reviewed papers in this volume embrace a wide range of issues related to ergonomics.
International contributors provide insight into current practice and present new research findings. They cover an array of topics, including defense; hazardous industries; human factors integration; inclusive design; medical; methods and tools; occupational health and safety; slips, trips, and falls; transport; and applications of ergonomics. Mirroring the 2010 conference, the book includes a memorial to Professor Tom Reilly and a symposium on creating a learning organization.
Ideal for mainstream ergonomists and human factors specialists, this invaluable reference source is also suitable for those concerned with people's interactions with their working and leisure environment, such as designers; manufacturing and production engineers; health and safety specialists; occupational, applied, and industrial psychologists; and applied physiologists.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-415-58446-3, 9780415584463
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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