Contemporary Conflict Resolution

Oliver Ramsbotham
Contemporary Conflict Resolution
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This is the first integrated survey of conflict resolution since the Cold War, offering an ideal introduction to the subject and an authoritative assessment of its current stage of development. What steps can be taken to prevent, manage and resolve major civil and international conflicts such as those in Bosnia, Rwanda, Palestine, Cambodia and Kosovo? What can we learn from conflicts where settlements have been reached, such as in South Africa, Northern Ireland and Mozambique? How can we respond effectively to contemporary conflicts? Using original interpretations of conflict theories, case studies and examples of current practice, the authors analyse responses at different phases of conflict, from prevention and intervention in war zones to war endings and post-settlement peacebuilding
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7456-3213-1, 9780745632131
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Polity Press

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