Computers Are Your Future

B. Daley
Computers Are Your Future
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For introductory courses in computer concepts or computer literacy often including instruction in Microsoft Office. Engages students with a refreshing and easy to learn from style, while maintaining an encyclopedic approach and popular magazine format. A REFERENCE TOOL FOR TODAY'S STUDENT! Today's students want a practical "what it is" and "how it works" approach to computers and computing, with less explanation of "when and why." This edition of Computers Are Your Future was revised to match what students know today with what they need to know in order to be successful in the exciting and ever-changing world of information technology. Computers Are Your Future serves as a valuable computer technology reference tool without being overwhelming or intimidating. FEATURES: NEW - Thoroughly revised and updated coverage throughout. Up-to-date textbook eliminates redundancy across chapters, and serves instructors and students with a book that is ready for the challenge of a diversified classroomIllustrate chapter-by-chapter insights on thought-provoking cultural and societal implications of computing. Stimulate class discussion or team debates on all aspects of the impact technology is having on life today. Extensive end-of-chapter material. Provides students with substantial review including multiple choice, matching, fill in, and short answer questions, as well as exercises and Web Research projects.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-13-242939-9, 9780132429399
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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