Summary This book discusses the issues surrounding the implementation and 'selling' of a comprehensive library staff training programme. Importantly, it contains many tried and tested techniques used by the author; it also includes standard documentation that readers can use in their own organisation for training purposes. The Author Dr Aileen Wood has a professional background in Training and Development, Records Management, Information Science and Special Librarianship. She is self-employed but continues to work with the information profession running training workshop and supporting staff completing professional qualifications. For her PhD she researched the need for a national Health Information Policy. Aileen has written or co-authored a number of publications Readership The book is aimed at a wide range of library staff and information professionals who are responsible for or interested in development and implementation of staff training programmes. Key Features Covers the different types of training and the pros and cons of each Discusses the administrative role as a change agent Shows how to develop programme objectives and measureable outcomes Programme evaluation methods and core competencies Contents Introduction LIS competencies and skills Training needs analysis(TNA) Performance appraisal Curriculum vitae and interviewing tips Learning styles Developing courses Selected course examples Informal non-conventional training techniques Facilitation Academic, professional an dvocational learning Conclusion Appendices