Complication in Endovascular Therapy

Kenneth Ouriel
Complication in Endovascular Therapy
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The only currently available text to provide such comprehensive and focused coverage of the area, Complications in Endovascular Therapy emphasizes the recognition and treatment of complications that occur with minimally invasive peripheral vascular interventions. Drawing on the expertise of professionals experienced in performing endovascular procedures, this guide: * provides the practicing interventionalist with essential knowledge for a variety of complications that can occur after endovascular interventions * presents a superbly organized layout of approaches to endovascular procedures, detailing the potential complications that may occur with these techniques and the latest means of managing complications * outlines the medical work-up of the patient with peripheral vascular disease, both pre- and post- procedure. Providing the practicing interventionalist with an organized manner with which to consider endovascular procedures, Complications in Endovascular Therapy also presents the potential complications that may occur pre-, during and post- these procedures, and discusses the latest means of managing them.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8247-5420-4, 9780824754204
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Taylor & Francis

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