Complete A-Z Psychology Handbook

Mike Cardwell
Complete A-Z Psychology Handbook
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Designed specifically to familiarize students with the language of psychology, the third edition of this text has been updated to cover the 2003 specifications of all psychology AS and A2 Level courses. It should serve as a useful study companion and revision guide, unravelling even the most complex psychology jargon. The A-Z format of the book and careful cross-referencing make it a user-friendly volume. The more complicated or significant the term is, the more thorough the explanation and, where appropriate, diagrams, formulae and worked examples are included to clarify specific concepts. The title also features: revision lists, exam hints, synoptic assessment; examiner's terms and revision lists specific to each major examining board.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-340-87269-7, 9780340872697
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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