Cutaneous findings in the newborn -- Eczematous dermatitis -- Diaper dermatitis and rashes in the diaper area -- Disorders of epidermal proliferation -- Primary bullous dermatoses -- Disorders of the sebaceous and apocrine glands -- Disorders of melanocytes -- Disorders of blood and lymph vessels -- Benign epidermal proliferations -- Benign appendageal proliferations -- Benign dermal proliferations -- Disorders of pigmentation -- Neurocutaneous disorders -- Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders -- Hypersensitivity reactions -- Photosensitivity and photoreactions -- Autoimmune connective tissue diseases -- Endocrine disorders and the skin -- Skin signs of reticuloendothelial disease -- Cutaneous bacterial infections -- Cutaneous fungal infections -- Rickettsial infection -- Cutaneous viral infections -- Aquatic infestations -- Insect bites and infestations.