Color Atlas of Dermatology

Jeffrey Callen
Color Atlas of Dermatology
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This New Edition features more than 1,100 high-quality colour photographs that depict the diseases seen in the daily practice of medicine. An organisation by morphology helps readers develop accurate differential diagnoses and appreciate the subtle differences among "similar" disorders. New photographs, new tables, and expanded guidance on differential diagnoses all enhance this updated resource.* Identifies diagnostically significant features with a detailed legend for every picture* Summarises complex differential diagnosis information with well-designed tables throughout the book* Eliminates the need for time-consuming research in the office or clinical setting* Makes teaching patients to look for certain specific changes in their condition easier with its clear, crisp illustrations of dermatologic disorders* Helps readers to quickly locate a range of morphologic changes with a superbly organised index
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-7216-8256-3, 9780721682563
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders
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