Cold Zero: the sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job.The moment of finality. You can practice until your barrel grows red hot,but Cold Zero - the first irrevocable pull of the trigger - is the onlystatement anyone will remember. It is not just a moment, it is a state ofmind. In 1987, Christopher Whitcomb left his job writing speeches for acongressman on Capitol Hill and enrolled in the FBI. Since then he hasbeen involved in all aspects of that organization, from bank robberies,fugitives and violent crime investigations to a key role within theBureau's elite Hostage Rescue Team where he distinguished himself as anassaulter and sniper. He now occupies a vitally important role within themost secret department of the FBI, the Critical Incident Response Group.The CIRG is the last line of defence, the deepest backstop. If they fail,there will be no one to clean up the mess. This title is an account of thesilent struggle America wages just beneath the headlines, a shadow waragainst weapons of mass destruction, attacks against unpredictableenemies, against chaos. "Cold Zero" is one man's journey - but it is alsothe story of the battle to hold oblivion at bay.