Clothes on their back

Linda Grant
Clothes on their back
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In a red brick mansion block off the Marylebone Road, Vivien, a sensitive, bookish girl grows up sealed off from both past and present by her timid refugee parents. Then one morning a glamorous uncle appears, dressed in a mohair suit, with a diamond watch on his wrist and a girl in a leopard-skin hat on his arm. Why is Uncle Sandor so violently unwelcome in her parents' home? This is a novel about survival - both banal and heroic - and a young woman who discovers the complications, even betrayals, that inevitably accompany the fierce desire to live. Set against the backdrop of a London from the 1950s to the present day, "The Clothes on Their Backs" is a wise and tender novel about the clothes we choose to wear, the personalities we dress ourselves in, and about how they define us all.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-84408-542-2, 9781844085422
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Virago

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