This book is designed for candidates sitting both the MRCS clinical section as well as undergraduate clinical examinations in surgery, with the objectives of explaining how the examinations work, and of smoothing the process of passing. The 133 cases in the book are carefully framed to allow interpretation for both short cases and OSCEs. In each case an example of the opening instruction is given, followed by a discussion of the steps required to complete the examination and to pass.The MRCS/AFRCS has replaced the old surgical examinations; there are no revision books in this style designed to help the candidate revising for the clinical section.This book addresses the need for a new book for the difficult clinical part of the MRCS exam.The book is laid out in identical sections to the new examination, separated into "bays" of cases candidates can expect to be examined on.The approach simulates the exam itself - it walks the candidate through the exam.Frequency of cases in an examination highlighted throughout.Includes top tips emphasising examiner's specific areas of questioning.Advanced level questions included.