This history and social sciences book is suitable for university and adult education programs and may be used for remedial history courses or as a supplement to introductory courses. It places strong emphasis on geography to combat documented student geographical illiteracy. Designed to be both a pedagogical aid and a self-study of social science, this book offers a glossary of terms, multiple choice questions after each section, timelines, plus maps to illustrate the break up of the Soviet Union. It incorporates a brief survey of economics and explains the differences in religion and science to bring students into the modern world.Written specifically to aid history students with insufficient knowledge of social science concepts and terminology, A Civilization Primer 4/e defines and clarifies the basics in history, culture, religion, government, economics and geography. Including an array of new maps, outlines, and study questions in addition to the already established and time-tested text, the Fourth Edition is ideal both for self-paced study and as a supplement in a basic social studies or history course.