Chess Putnam has a lot on her plate. Mangled human corpses have started to show up on the streets of Downside, and Chessrsquo;s bosses at the Church of Real Truth have ordered her to team up with the ultra-powerful Black Squad agency to crack the grisly case. Chess is under a binding spell that threatens death if she talks about the investigation, but the cityrsquo;s most notorious crime boss-and Chessrsquo;s drug dealer-gets wind of her new assignment and insists on being kept informed. If that isnrsquo;t bad enough, a sinister street vendor appears to have information Chess needs. Only hersquo;s not telling what he knows, or what it all has to do with the vast underground City of Eternity. Now Chess will have to navigate killer wraiths, First Elders, and a lot of seriously nasty magic-all while coping with some not-so-small issues of her own. And the only man Chess can trust to help her through it all has every reason to want her dead.