The primary goal of this book is to offer students the most comprehensive, up-to-date and integrated overview of the theory, research and practices relevant to sales management. The latest edition continues to focus on enabling students to take the wealth of information available and apply it to Ĺźreal worldĹź sales management problems and opportunities. Like its predecessors, it showcases how real managers use current theory and research in their own organizations. By identifying recent practices, applications and the use of state-of-the-art technologies, this edition combines in one source real world sales management Ĺźbest practicesĹź with cutting edge research and theory. Instructors will find that they are proud to present the information and approach to sales management within the text to both undergraduate and graduate business students, as it captures the essence of what it means to be a successful sales manager in the customer relationship era.Comprehensive, Integrative Cases: As a result of faculty feedback and the authors experiences in the classroom, there are fewer long cases. However, the number of cases has actually been increased for greater faculty control of the learning experience. Each chapter now contains a new mini case written especially for Sales Force Management. |Role Plays: Sales Force Management 8e incorporates the latest in state-of-the-art sales management training in the form of role plays, that faculty can use throughout the course. Creating one, unified and threaded scenario that runs through every chapter faculty can now employ role plays to reinforce key concepts and get the students actively involved in their own learning. Managers and faculty all believe role plays represent a critical learning tool and the role play scenario in Sales Force Management enables students to learn and apply critical concepts in the best possible learning environment, the classroom. |Leadership Challenge: Each chapter contains a ĹźLeadership ChallengeĹź which puts the students in real life sales management situations and asks them to solve the problem. |Tighter Focus on Innovation, Technology, and Leadership as demonstrated in the new cutting-edge coverage of Customer Relationship Management, Sales Management Information Systems, and Database Selling. |Examination of how new technologies impact sales force management as demonstrated in the new discussion on sales management information systems and database selling. |Examination of how new technologies impact sales force management as demonstrated in the new discussion on sales management information systems and database selling.|Research Based: The text includes the latest theories and applications for sales force management, keeping the student abreast of classic and current research, trends, and changes in the discipline. |Coverage of the Internet: Each chapter has an Internet exercise which is meant to show the students how to use the Web to learn about customers and a competitors. The opening profiles include a Web page address for the featured company. |Boxed Examples: Profiles from leaders in the field of sales force management, Relationship boxes, Global boxes, Ethics boxes, and Technology are designed to illustrate the material presented in each chapter. Students will make connections the theory and concepts in the text and how they are applied in the real world of sales management. |Learning Objectives: Each chapter begins with learning objectives. Students know what is expected of them and professors can use these to guide class discussion. |Discussion Questions: Found at the end of each chapter, these questions are either application questions with some limited data, or thought-provoking questions that require students to reflect on the material they have just read. |Pedagogical enhancements such as a Ĺźkey termsĹź list that highlights important terms in the text so students know what to focus on. This text also has industry examples and applications-students can apply text concepts to real-life situations. Use of icons and Features Boxes highlight the text themes: Innovation, Technology and Leadership-students can see how applicable these themes are to everyday sales force management.