Christmas Tree

Myer Salaman
Christmas Tree
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Narrated by the chief gardener from Rockefeller Center, it is the tale of a little girl named Anna from New York City who is orphaned and sent to live in a convent. Lonely and unaccustomed to her new surroundings, Anna befriends, as only a child can, a tiny fir tree. 'Tree,' as she calls him, becomes Anna's best and most special friend. They grow up together, unlocking the secrets of friendship as well as sharing the wonders of nature. Indeed, it is this profound appreciation and love of nature that Anna later, as Sister Anthony, passes on to her adoring students. Of course, nature is not without its tragedies, and when Tree is threatened by a cruel winter storm, Sister Anthony, now an old woman, decides to finally give up her dearest friend - allowing him to become what is perhaps the most enjoyed and famous Christmas tree of all. The perfect story for Christmas, The Christmas Tree is about growth, learning to love, and, finally, being able to share that love with others, allowing it to be reborn, remembered and cherished forever.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-375-76108-9, 9780375761089
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Alfred A. Knopf

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