Christian Tourism to the Holy Land

Keren Sagi, Noga Collins-Kreiner, Nurit Kliot, Yoel Mansfeld
Christian Tourism to the Holy Land
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The historic phenomenon of pilgrimage is experiencing a resurgence around the world. A journey resulting from religious causes, it not only provides a spiritual experience, but also one of new environments, cultures and peoples, and is often undertaken as a guided tour. Yet pilgrimage as a mode of tourism has been little investigated. This book adds considerably to our knowledge by focusing on one specific pilgrimage voyage - that to the Holy Land during times of security crisis there. In doing so, it examines this tourism journey in relation to constraints and high levels of risk experienced by the pilgrims. It explores both the behavioural aspects of undertaking pilgrimage to such an insecure situation and the impacts of such crisis on the host tourism infrastructure and industry. It therefore not only provides insights into pilgrimage as tourism - and into this particular country's experience - but also offers an integrative approach to tourism crisis management.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7546-4703-4, 9780754647034
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ashgate Publishing Company

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