Children & Their Development

Robert V. Kail
Children & Their Development
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For Child Development courses in Psychology, Education, Human Development, Child and Family Studies, and Early Childhood Education. Research Made Relevant Written by a well-known and respected researcher in the field of child development, this TOPICALLY organized text uses unique and effective pedagogy as the framework of the entire text. Designed to demonstrate how research translates into practice with accessible writing, a modular format, and application-based features such as: Focus on Research, Real Children, Cultural Influences, and Child and Development and Family Policy.Q: How important is research and the coverage of relevant research to your course? Kail Children and Their Development offers extensive research in a clear and relevant way for students. Kail includes student research examples throughout the text to highlight research studies that are conducted by students, making the relevance of the material that much more compelling. "Focus on Research" boxes emphasize how real research is done. Though an engaging question and answer format, students are directed through the steps and decisions that were made for a particular research study. In addition, results are shown, usually with an annotated figure, so that students can learn how to interpret graphs. This feature gives students a better understanding of the importance of research. Q:How do you get your students to apply the research to their lives and the world around them?"Improving Children's Lives" provides research-based solutions to common problems in children's lives. "Child Development and Family Policy" demonstrates how research has inspired change in social policies that affect children and families. From these features, students see that child-development research really matters-parents, teachers, and policy-makers can use research to foster children's development.In addition, the Observation CD-ROM available with this text provides an excellent opportunity for students to see real children in action and apply their learning to actual examples. Q: How do you integrate technology into your course? Are you looking for creative ways to apply the material in your course to the lives of students? NEW to this edition, Children and Their Development is available with OneKey. This all in one place solution for students provides additional study material, quizzes, and detailed chapter overviews. For instructors, OneKey provides all the resources needed to effectively integrate technology into the classroom. OneKey is available in CourseCompass, BlackBoard, and WebCT course management system. In addition, this new edition of Children and Their Development will have the Virtual Child Simulation. The Virtual Child Simulation allows students to "raise" a child from birth through adolescence. By making "parenting decisions" along the way, students are able to see the effects of these decisions on their child. This highly interactive opportunity allows students to become engaged and directly involved with the application of course material. NEW! Presents material in 15 chapters with research methods moved to Chapter 1 NEW! Reorganized chapters on cognitive development. Presents Piaget's theory for its historical value. NEW! "Spotlight on Theories": shows students the essential role that theories play in contemporary developmental science. Student Research Examples: provides students with relevant, current research examples that highlight research studies conducted by students like themselves. Student research examples are integrated throughout the text. View of hypothesis testing: offers a detailed examination of new approaches to hypothesis testing Updated qualitative research methods: includes guidelines for the most up-to-date research methods APA format chapter: includes the APA checklist with material from the 5th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Psychological Detective Boxes: encourage students to engage in critical thinking Intelligent Consumer Skills: helps students learn to read research reports and extract critical information Review Summaries: highlight key terms within each chapter into manageable sections for review and evaluation. Check Your Progress: enables students to test their mastery of the material and prepare for quizzes.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-13-194911-9, 9780131949119
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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