Children and Their Development 5e

R. Kail
Children and Their Development 5e
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For undergraduate, Topically Organized courses in Child Development offered in departments of Psychology, Human Ecology, Education, Early Childhood Education, Nursing and Social Work. Illustrating both the splendor of child development and the strides that researchers have made in understanding developmental psychology, this text presents the core research, theory and application of this field in a clear and engaging style. Written by a noted researcher in cognitive development using a modular format, students are encouraged to focus on the main concepts through the use of real case studies, outlines, objectives, study questions, special features and other pedagogical devices. Kail's approach ensures that students understand the key issues developmental psychologist's study today without overwhelming them with details. Students benefit from a text that is both research-oriented and accessible.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4082-2816-6, 9781408228166
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education

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