Chess is like an intellectual labyrinth; when one door opens, another ten new doors reveal themselves. Negotiations and other business manoeuvres are similar; each decision or action generates new opportunities. And, like chess, it is more important to determine the paths not taken. As Richard Nixon said: "Always know ahead of time what you don't want." In "Chess and the Art of Negotiation", a world-renowned chess master and a CEO of a global company combine forces and apply the principles of chess to illuminate the dynamics of competition, strategy and negotiation, whether angling for a promotion, beating your arch rival to a lucrative contract, or landing the sale. In a colourful interview format, conducted by chess grand master Bachar Kouatly, the authors argue that it is not enough to be well prepared or well informed, nor is it sufficient to be trained in only the tactical aspects of engagement. Strategy drives tactics, and understanding the motivations behind your opponent's strategy will help you navigate your way through the labyrinth. Drawing from their own experiences in chess and in business, as well as many historical and contemporary examples, the authors offer insight into the strategic mindset and how to apply it to any kind of negotiation or competitive situation. Not for the faint of heart, "Chess and the Art of Negotiation" assumes that in business, as in any game, there are winners and losers, and aims to help the reader emerge victorious, not vanquished.