Chemistry Physics of Carbon

L. Radovic
Chemistry Physics of Carbon
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Presents advances in carbon research and development and comprehensive reviews on the state of the science in all these areasDiscusses the structure of glassy carbon, carbon fibers, carbon black (soot), chars, and moreIncludes contributions by leading international experts and more than 1300 references The Chemistry and Physics of Carbon series presents advances in carbon research and development and comprehensive reviews on the state of the science in all these areas. Building on the tradition of its highly acclaimed predecessors, Volume 28 of this series presents authoritative, interdisciplinary coverage of contemporary topics. With contributions by leading international experts and more than 1300 references, this indispensable volume discusses the structure of glassy carbon, carbon fibers, carbon black (soot), chars, spherulitic graphite in cast iron and naturally occurring forms of carbon; and structural similarities with fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanoparticles.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-8247-0987-7, 9780824709877
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Marcel Dekker

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