Chambers German Phrasebook (Paperback)

Britta Nord, Stuart Fortey
Chambers German Phrasebook (Paperback)
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This title forms part of a brand new series of phrasebooks from "Chambers". This series provides convenient, easy-to-use guides to language. Each phrasebook is split into two distinct sections and will be useful for holidays or business trips. The first section of the phrasebook consists of thematic chapters covering topics such as accommodation, problems and emergencies and food and drink. Each chapter contains lists of basic vocabulary followed by sentences the user will want to say or will hear. Practical information on areas such as tipping and transport is also included as are informal and slang expressions. The second section provides a 4,000-word bilingual dictionary that includes extensive coverage of food and drink menu items. In addition, each phrasebook includes a grammar chapter, notes on the holidays and festivals of the relevant country, and a section on useful addresses and telephone numbers. Simple fold-out colour maps of city centres are included inside the cover.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-550-10282-9, 9780550102829
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Chambers

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