Catch Up Chemistry

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Catch Up Chemistry
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As the number of students entering university continues to expand, many students lack the necessary preparatory background in key subject areas. These new Scion books bring students up to speed with the subject skills they need. The books focus on introducing the major principles of the subject alongside examples which show the relevance of this knowledge for their chosen university course. The books are intended to be used both prior to starting university, and as concise textbooks for introductory courses. Many students now begin life and medical science degrees with little chemical knowledge. Catch Up Chemistry provides an overview of the maths and stats required for these degree programmes with relevant examples to aid the learning process. The book starts at an introductory level but covers all of the chemistry required by starting undergraduates.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-904842-10-1, 9781904842101
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Scion Publishing Ltd

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