Cardiac Vascular & Thoracic Anesthesia

J. Youngberg
Cardiac Vascular & Thoracic Anesthesia
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This text will be the first to integrate cardiac, thoracic, and vascular anesthesia in one book. The book provides a solid foundation of general principles including preoperative assessment, cost-benefit effectiveness of preoperative workup, cardiac and pulmonary anatomy and physiology, and organ system effects of anesthetics. The monitoring section features state of the art chapters by the leaders in the field.* Provides comprehensive, state-of-the-art, all in one integrated approach. * Special section focuses on postoperative management considerations. * Offers a multitude of algorithms for decision-making. * Cost-effective clinical approach. * Written by authoritative, leaders in the field of anesthesiology
Data wydania: 2000-01-15
ISBN: 978-0-443-08920-6, 9780443089206
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone
Stron: 974

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