The focus of this monograph on Spanish-born Felix Candela (1919-1997) is onmodern Mexican architecture and its international influence. Conductingdaring structural experiments with materials such as reinforced concreteand experimenting with shell vaulting to find new methods to save costsand material in building, Candela not only succeeded in putting hisengineering knowledge into high quality constructions but also into highquality architecture. Geometry marks his impressive sculptural work, notonly in the industrial buildings but also in churches, restaurants,university buildings, and sport facilities. With this book, readers areinvited to discover how construction problems result in poetic and bizarreforms, and how advances in engineering can lead to expressionistarchitecture.Every book in "Tasschen's Basic Architecture Series"features: approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches,drawings, and floor plans; introductory essays exploring the architect'slife and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborationswith other architects; the most important works presented in chronologicalorder, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well asconstruction problems and resolutions; and, an appendix including a listof complete or selected works, biography, bibliography and a mapindicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings.