
Bernard Mac Laverty
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Penguin Student Editions are complete unabridged texts of Penguin Classics, Modern Classics and some more recent titles, packaged with reading help for the student in the form of:- accessible yet authoritative introductions - glossary of cultural references and unfamiliar words - stimulating activities and discussion points, including activities needed to prepare for essays and examinations - chapter-by-chapter summaries - plot and character outlines - chronology of the historical events of the time - overview of the ways famous critics have read the books. A student-friendly approach to literature - the way students want to read. A haunting love story set against the fear and violence of Ulster, where tenderness and innocence must struggle to survive.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-14-081789-8, 9780140817898
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books

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