Buttertea at Sunrise - A Year in the Bhutan Himalaya

Britta Das
Buttertea at Sunrise - A Year in the Bhutan Himalaya
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Often seen as a magical paradise at the end of the world, Bhutan is inaccessible to most travellers. Set against the dramatic scenery of the Himalaya, this beautiful memoir reveals hardships and happiness in a land almost untouched by the West. When Britta, a young physiotherapist, goes to work in a remote village hospital, her good intentions are put to the test amid monsoons, fleas and shocking conditions. But as she visits homes in the mountains and learns the mysteries of tantric Buddhism, the country casts its enduring spell. Gaining insights into the traditions of this mystical kingdom, she makes friends and falls in love. Bhutan will change her life forever.
ISBN: 978-1-84024-971-2, 9781840249712
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing

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