Business Statistics

D. Downing, Norean D. Sharpe, David M. Levine
Business Statistics
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For a 1 semester course in Business Statistics. This paperback, 14 chapter text focuses on using rich business applications from all the functional areas of business to introduce the core concepts. The emphasis is on a clean, sophisticated presentation uncluttered by bells and whistles.A more comprehensive version by these same authors is also available called Basic Business Statistics 10e.For a 1 semester course in Business Statistics. This paperback, 14 chapter text focuses on using rich business applications from all the functional areas of business to introduce the core concepts. The emphasis is on a clean, sophisticated presentation uncluttered by bells and whistles.A more comprehensive version by these same authors is also available called Basic Business Statistics 10e.How do you motivate students to see the value of this course since most students are here to complete a core requirement?"Using Statistics" business scenarios-Each chapter begins with a "Using Statistics" example related to a different functional area of business and is woven throughout the chapter to illustrate key points and help students make connections. Shows how statistics is relevant to all business majors-accounting, finance, management, marketing, operations, and information systems.What business skills are you hoping your students will have mastered after completing your course?Emphasis on data analysis and interpretation within chapter- Output from Excel and Minitab 14 are featured within the chapter. Allows students to focus on interpreting the software output and making informed business decisions.What software do you use in this course? How much software instruction do you want a text to provide and where?Featured Software- The authors use Excel and Minitab 14 output within the chapters. For those instructors that prefer to use an Excel add-in, PHSTAT2 is featured in Appendix G. Showcases the most common packages used in the business world.Detailed Software Appendices at the end of each chapter Provides step-by-step instructions necessary to perform most statistical analsysis using Excel and Minitab 14. Do you assign/grade homework? Would you be interested in an online resouce that offers text specific questions that can be assigned for practice/homework and save you grading time?PH Grade Assist-Prentice Hall's Internet-based system provides algorithmically generated homework problems. Provides unlimited practice for the student and scoring, grading, and course management for the instructor.PHGradeAssist icons appear in the text next to exercises that are in this system.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-13-201648-3, 9780132016483
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall
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