Business Data Communications & Networking

R. Panko
Business Data Communications & Networking
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For undergraduate, graduate , and MBA courses in Business Data Communications, Introduction to Data Communications, Telecommunications, and Introduction to Networking. The most current data communications text on the market, this comprehensive book uses a unique modular approach. Most teachers will want to cover the material in the 12 core chapters. This will leave time for hands-on work or additional conceptual material. The 8 advanced modules have extra material that some teachers will wish to cover depending on their particular course goals. Companion Website offers even more material. This approach allows selective emphasis without requiring the teacher to assemble his or her own additional material. Features and Benefits NEW - Modular approach - Book has 12 core chapters for a well-structured course with some free time plus 8 advanced modules for selective emphasis depending on the teachers course goals, highly regarded, this modular approach allows for selective emphasis enabling full focus upon the professors course goals. NEW - More but smaller core chapters, although there are more core chapters, they are smaller for easier reading. The total material is about the same in the two previous editions.Case studies with discussion questions. Kept at the companion Website to allow recent cases. Up-dates for new information since the book went to press. Downloads- PowerPoint presentations and End-of-Chapter questions, ensures that course material is current and provides an Instructor-only portion of the Website for special material. NEW - End-of-chapter questions and Test Your Knowledge subsections, allow students to review all key points in the chapter. Graded into core review questions, detailed review questions, and thought questions. By assigning particular questions, teachers can direct student learning. Also, at the end of each section in the book, the Test Your Knowledge subsection lists end-of-chapter questions to answer for that section. NEW - Instructor CD - Contains PowerPoint presentations, Transparencies (Word files), Test bank, and Instructor Manual with model syllabus and end-of-chapter answer keys. NEW - 85% Rewrite - Although the topic flow is largely the same as the second edition, the chapters and modules have been rewritten, not simply edited. Many changes are due to new developments in the field and to adopters comments. NEW - Transparencies, for every figure in the book. Some figures have builds. NEW - More open book design, for easier readability. NEW - Vignette at the beginning of each chapter raises issues that must be resolved using information in the chapter, thought question at end of chapter usually asks for student solutions. Begins with the familiar - The book begins with Internet standards (Chapters 1-5) and then small PC networks on simple LANs (Chapters 6-7), allows students to learn abstract concepts in concrete and familiar contexts. Detailed PowerPoint presentations - Full pre-made lecture presentations. Not just a few selected slides, provides instructors and students with a multimedia guide for every chapter and module. Created by the author. Modifiable by the teacher. MORE - Case studies at the companion Website so that they can be kept hot and fresh, now provided for all chapters and some modules. -UP-TO-DATE MATERIAL. Internet and TCP/IP - Heavy emphasis in Chapters 1-3, considerable emphasis throughout book. Module A. MORE - Quality of Service (QoS). Introduced in Chapter 1, strong treatment in Chapter 8. NEW - Telephony - Now integrated into the core chapters. Hierarchical circuit switching (Chapter 1), IP telephony (Chapter 11), cellular service (Chapter 12). MORE - Stronger focus on LAN switching, which now dominates in large LANs. In Ethernet, switches and hubs are introduced equally, and Chapter 8 has a strong section on LAN switching. VLANs, Layer 3 switching. COMPLETELY REVISED - Security now has a full chapter (Chapter 10) and a full module (Module F). Very up-to-date coverage. SSL, IPsec, Kerberos, etc. Even more on Frame Relay - Now dominates WANs. Full chapter on Internet access, including ADSL and cable modems (Chapter 5). NEW - Web-Host Integration, IBM Mainframe Systems, and SNA (Chapter 11). NEW - Analysis of alternative products with Net Present Value (NPV) analysis and multicriteria product selection
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-13-035914-8, 9780130359148
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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