Question...How many bumps are there on a pineapple and what is special about this number? There is a serious mathematical answer to this question and it's an old favourite in numerical resoning tests. Do you know the answer?Selection tests are now common. This book tells you what they are, what they are used for and what employers are looking for, as welll as what to expect, how to do well in them and how to secure that job. Familiarize yourself with the most common types of tests used and learn how to prepare for them. Read through real-life examples and test yourself on sample tests from recruitment agencies. Discover what they're looking for in your results and how to constructively analyse your own performance.Whether you're aiming at the big graduate recruiters, an internal promotion, a mid-career job move, or even change of profession, learn how to expect the unexpected and be prepared to outshine the competition. Don't be good, be brilliant.