Bloodshot, Volume 2: The Rise and the Fall

Duane Swierczynski
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Bloodshot, Volume 2: The Rise and the Fall
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Bloodshot is finally free of the memories that have haunted him since his awakening ― but now even greater mysteries remain. Who was he before he was transformed into a walking weapon? And just what purpose did he serve for Project Rising Spirit? Now, a rogue PRS scientist has told Bloodshot the location of the answers he needs ― and they're buried deep within an off-the-grid, savagely fortified black site that will rain hellfire down upon anyone who dares trespass. And, once he's inside, he may just discover that he's not the only indestructible killing machine PRS ever dreamed into the world… What is Project Rising Spirit's true function in the Valiant Universe? Who will answer for their crimes? And what darker secrets yet await in the recesses of their classified compound? The answers you've been waiting for will beckon in Bloodshot, Volume 2: The Rise and the Fall.
By acclaimed writer Duane Swierczynski (Birds of Prey) and artists Manuel Garcia (Black Widow), Arturo Lozzi (Immortal Weapons), and Matthew Clark (Avenging Spider-Man), Bloodshot's brutal, bullet-riddled tour of duty through the Valiant Universe continues right here in the second shock-inducing volume of the series that Complex calls "hard and heavy with each issue.
Data wydania: 2013-06-17
ISBN: 978-1-939346-03-2, 9781939346032
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Valiant Entertainment
Cykl: Bloodshot (2012), tom 2
Stron: 128
dodana przez: temptershell

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