Beyond the Deal

H. Saint-Onge
Beyond the Deal
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Mergers and acquisitions are happening in record numbers, with billions of dollars changing hands and major corporate deals making headlines every day. But the harsh reality is that most deals fail. Why? Because the companies didn't plan, didn't prepare, and didn't perform up to expectations. They didn't think beyond the deal. This revolutionary guide--written by two top consultants who've worked with some of the biggest companies in the world--goes beyond other books on the subject by giving you a complete, systematic of hands-on strategies for every step of the process. No matter which side of the acquisition you're on, what stage of the game you're at, or whatever level of management you're in, you will learn how to create new value for yourself, recognize new opportunities for your team--and inspire unprecedented levels of performance for your organization.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-07-155010-9, 9780071550109
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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