Berlin Five Projects

Santiago Calatrava
Berlin Five Projects
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Calatrava has worked on five projects which reflect Berlin's new identity as a European metropolis at the end of the Cold War, and which are discussed in this book. Four of these are literally cross-border projects: the Kronprinzen and Oberbaum bridges which will relink East and West Berlin and which will definitely be built; and the Jahn Sports Park located in the former border patrol zone, and new construction and renovation projects for the Reichstag adjacent to where the wall once stood. These latter designs (and also the Spandau Station) will remain as plans. These works demonstrate how Calatrava overcomes topographical borders, as well as the conventional restrictions of his discipline.
Data wydania: 1994
ISBN: 978-3-7643-2985-3, 9783764329853
Język: niemiecki
Wydawnictwo: Birkhauser

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