Baking Fundamentals

Noble Masi, Brenda R. Carlos
Baking Fundamentals
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For courses in Introduction to Baking, Basic Baking and Pastry Skills and Professional Baking. Drawing on the authors' expertise, The Principles of Baking: Baking Fundamentals explores the basics of baking and pastry using real-life examples, learning activities, and four founding principles. Ideal for beginning students, it focuses on the basic principles behind formulas-ratios, sequence, time and temperature-and how thesefactors impact allquality-baked products. Divided into units, it begins with a historical sketch of the industry, offers a separate chapter on formula yields and baking math, and ends with interesting interviews and industry profiles. Rich with photographs and illustrations, it provides numerous hands-on exercises and shows how mastering a few basic concepts can yield thousands of signature recipes. Pearson Education is proud to bring world-renowned Dorling Kindersley (DK) products to your classroom. Instantly recognized by their fascinating, full-color photographs and illustrations on every page, DK titles will add meaning to expository text and make learning accessible and, fun. Other DK hallmarks include cross-section views, 3D models, and text to visual call-outs to help readers comprehend and enjoy the wealth of information each book provides. With Pearson, you can see DK in a whole new way! For a complete listing of titles, please visit: For courses in Introduction to Baking, Basic Baking and Pastry Skills and Professional Baking. Drawing on the authors' expertise, The Principles of Baking: Baking Fundamentals explores the basics of baking and pastry using real-life examples, learning activities, and four founding principles. Ideal for beginning students, it focuses on the basic principles behind formulas-ratios, sequence, time and temperature-and how thesefactors impact allquality-baked products. Divided into units, it begins with a historical sketch of the industry, offers a separate chapter on formula yields and baking math, and ends with interesting interviews and industry profiles. Rich with photographs and illustrations, it provides numerous hands-on exercises and shows how mastering a few basic concepts can yield thousands of signature recipes. Features Author expertise-gives the text credibility and students an opportunity to learn techniques from the masters.· Written by Noble Masi who has fifty years of professional baking experience and 38 years of experience as an educator. · Co-authored by Brenda Carlos who is a member of the International Foodservice Editorial Council and is a seasoned editor and writer. A focus on the four basic principles behind formulas-includes an emphasis on ratios, sequence, time and temperature.· Simplifies the baking process by giving students the ability to understand the factors that impact baking and pastry formulas.· Provides students with a strong foundation in baking and pastry and helps them learn how to create thousands of their own signature recipes. A chapter on formula yields and baking math-appears as Unit 7.· Teaches students how to increase or decrease formula yields to fit any production requirement.· Provides numerous examples and opportunities for students to test their own knowledge of formula yields and baking math. A collection of Benchmark Formulas-appears within the text.· Marks a Benchmark Formula whenever a new baking technique is introduced so students know they are learning new material. Photos and diagrams-accompany Benchmark Formulas and material in the text.· Help illustrate Benchmark Formulas and procedures using a photograph for each step. · Provides students with visual reinforcement for new techniques and basic baking principles. Industry profiles and numerous biographies-appear within the text.· Spotlight actual bakers and pastry chefs and give readers a glimpse into the world of baking professionals. · Help instructors introduce careers that are available in the industry. Learning activities-can be easily adapted to any classroom setting.· Provide hands-on exercises that reinforce basic baking principles being covered within each unit. · Demonstrate how ratios, sequence, time and temperature impact outputs. Unit summaries and unit reviews-test students' knowledge and understanding.· Highlight the important points of each unit and recap essential concepts in a quick-reference format. · Provide thought-provoking questions that can spark classroom discussion. Chef's Tips-appear throughout the text.· Build on the authors' years of experience in the industry. · Provide an excellent source of information that can be referred to throughout one's professional baking career. Workbench baking dilemmas-appear in Appendix VII. · Provide real-life examples of baking situations in an engaging question/answer format.· Represent some of the actual questions Chef Masi has received over the years as editor of this regular Modern Baking column.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-13-118351-3, 9780131183513
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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